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Friday, August 2, 2013

978-0323087070 Sale - Cowell and Tyler's Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat 4th Edition (Valenciano)

  • Buy Cowell and Tyler's Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat 4th Edition (978-0323087070)
  • Written by Amy C. Valenciano DVM MS DACVP and Rick L. Cowell DVM MS MRCVS DACVP
  • 608 pages in English from Mosby; 4 edition (July 11, 2013)
  • Available on Hardcover
Cowell and Tyler's Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat, 4e

Cowell and Tyler's Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat 

This is a highly recommended resource to help you develop your knowledge and improve your skills in the field of clinical laboratory diagnostics. For easy understanding, the book has detailed illustrations and descriptions of cytologic and hematologic samples which makes it easier for you to diagnose common and uncommon diseases in dogs and cats. Also, very detailed evaluation techniques coupled with guidelines for interpretation of organ tissue, blood and other body fluid specimens provides a skeletal understanding of collection of samples and preparation of specimens. Algorithms are also featured throughout the book to help you evaluate various cytologic preparations. More than 1000 high resolution images for easier identification of normal and abnormal cells makes it easier to infer accurate diagnoses. In addition to that, almost 50 academic and lab experts have given their expert contributions thus providing the best updated knowledge available at your fingertips. Lastly, a lot of time is saved since the book offers a comprehensive approach to each individual topic so you don't have to look elsewhere for clarification.
Thursday, August 1, 2013

978-1118013434 Incompressible Flow 4th Edition by Panton

978-1118013434 Incompressible Flow 4th Edition 
by Ronald L. Panton
912 pages from Wiley August 5, 2013
Available in Hardcover and Kindle Edition

< Buy Incompressible Flow >

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Incompressible Flow

Incompressible Flow

Kindle Edition
Incompressible Flow

3rd Edition Hardcover

What's New

This fourth edition of Incompressible Flow is regarded as the most advanced revision with latest and expanded updates on fluid mechanics. Sections are explained in very good manners containing precise descriptions on potential flow and N.S solutions. Yet, this may be a little bit hard to comprehend by freshmen of chemical or mechanical engineering. They might need alternate information on other books related with specified subjects.


Overall, this book maintains the esteemed look and description on the previous editions, unless its more advanced subject coverage of in fluid mechanics complex. Each chapter explains step-by step details from basic principles to major descriptions in physics and math development. Students at sophomore levels find this book helpful as it has several exercises as well as some problems in forms of examples.

To be exact, students can get easy access to further comprehension on some subjects like
  • Equations of Navier-Stokes solutions
  • Entrance flow using the method of Psi-Omega
  • Hiemenz flow by using conventional Fortran programs
  • New samples of vorticity dynamics which are updated from previous edition.
  • Additional importance on complex asymptotic extension

978-1441911544 Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science 3rd Edition 2013

978-1441911544 Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science
by Saul I. Gass and Michael C. Fu
1250 pages - Springer September 28, 2013

Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science

Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science

As the name implies, Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science contains several terms that everyone needs to discover. In details, both editors Saul I. Gass, and Michael C. Fu provides several aspects on operation research and management science wide-ranging outline in terms of methodologies, applications and advanced concepts. The encyclopedia include for more than two hundreds major articles containing several topics in problem solving and decision making in fields of management science and operations research.

The previous editions were already comprehensive with their broad covering of each major in operations research. They were very popular among university students and professionals who work in field of OP/RM. This third edition is considered more advanced with further comprehension about details in OP/RM like business intelligence, accurate dynamic programming, and management of air traffic, simulation of regenerative and rare-event, to management of revenue.

This book is the best for operational managers who have to deal with several common problems in workplace like warehouse data composing, newly-built management up to some methods in terms of financial and operational tasks.

978-0071743914 Applied Hydrology 2nd Edition by Ven Chow, David Maidment, Larry Mays

978-0071743914 Applied Hydrology 2nd Edition
by Ven Chow, David Maidment, Larry Mays
624 pages - McGraw-Hill Professional - August 5, 2013
Applied Hydrology, 2nd Edition

Applied Hydrology, 2nd Edition

It is the revision of the first edition book which has gained high attention and appreciation from students and experts who deal with hydrology. Undergraduates may find this too advanced thought they still can find each chapter advantageous.

It has been two decades since the first edition was released. Applied Hydrology, Second Edition maintains the success of the first addition. Definitely, there are additional new subjects upon solving problems in hydrology in advanced matters as well as some technology's methodology. Three major parts that the book's revision covers include Hydrologic Design, Processes, Analysis.

The authors, Vin Te Chow, David R. Maidment, Larry W. Mays maintain the basic technologies with some inevitable updates on hydrology's problem-solving like GIS, NEXRAD and so forth. Other new updates which were not available on the first edition include wide-ranging approach some analysis like water supply and floodplain.

This is a must-have book reference for those who deal with applied hydrology as this book describes each advanced hydrologic process with handy flow charts. Equations are described in each step and each chapter is divided convenient as college students can find references much easier.
Monday, July 29, 2013

978-0757569005 Cancer Registry Management - 3rd edition

978-0757569005 Cancer Registry Management - 3rd edition
 Principles AND Practices for Hospitals and Central Registries
From NATIONAL CANCER REGISTRARS ASSN and Kendall Hunt Publishing
532 pages on Third Edition
Now Available for sale or rent in Paperback Edition
978-0757569005 Cancer Registry Management - 3rd edition
978-0757569005 Cancer Registry Management - 3rd edition

This book is a Medical Book related to Hospital Administration, Internal Medicine, Oncology, Medicine & Health Sciences, Administration & Policy, and Hospital Administration & Care.

This text is a detailed with exclusive information about cancer registry management with emphasis on the principles and practices for hospitals and central registry.

The authors are widely versed with the occurrence and trends in the cancer management as they have done various researches to come up with this text. This book is important for oncologists and all other medical practitioners who are interested with management of tumors as well as student whose focus is to become oncologists.

The book gives a current management system that will adequately equip all interested and concerned parties with what to do.

It is a 532 page book that uses a simple English language and that shows how wide and well equipped it is, get this book and have all answers regarding cancer management.

If you are striving for a broad array of knowledge besides your career, here is the book to educate yourself. Go for it, you are just about to do the right thing!!

978-0323087902 Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider 4th Edition - Paperback and Kindle

978-0323087902 Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider 4th Edition
by  Marilyn Winterton Edmunds and Maren Stewart Mayhew
880-page book from Mosby edition 4 published on July 15, 2013
Now available on Paperback and Kindle Edition

Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider 4th Edition
Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider 4th Edition
This book is related to Nursing, Reference, Pharmacology, and Pharmacy

This volume focuses on what you need to know to effectively prescribe and administer drugs. An stress on patient coaching helps you gain patient adherence to prescribed drug regimens, and guidelines for health promotion help in maintaining and improving your patients' health. The book teaches priorities of safety and evidence based practice, adding coverage of new drugs, new drug classes and therapeutic drug uses. It teaches principles of pharmacotherapeutics using today the majority usually used drugs.

It is written by highly qualified and foremost nurse practitioner establishment, and is for nurse practitioners and physicians assistants. It gives a mastery of the principles of pharmacology, count on it for better value.

Get this book and learn the effective ways of prescribing and administering of drugs, coverage of new drugs and new drug classes.

It is the best book for information for nursing careers, so ensure you get this book for quality dissemination of your service. This 880 page book is now on fourth edition and is therefore the most recent revised and has accommodated the current information.
Sunday, July 28, 2013

978-1133600497 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle 5th Edition (2013)

978-1133600497 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle 5th Edition
by Judith E. Brown, Janet Isaacs, Bea Krinke, Ellen Lechtenberg, and Maureen Murtaugh
624-page Book from Cengage Learning published on June 25, 2013
Now available for sale in Paperback Edition
978-1133600497 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle 5th Edition
978-1133600497 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle 5th Edition


  • This is a book by use of current research, explains the nutritional foundations essential for growth, maturity and usual performance of persons in every point of life. 
  • The publication elucidates important points in addition to addressing new research on functions participated by beneficial diet, nutrient, genetic material and nutrient-gene interactions.
  • The book reimburses from an extensive array and medical nutrition proficiency from registered dietitians and researchers. It will one appreciate single one major concepts regarding nutrition. It is written by experts who have experience and have researched widely to come up with this text.
  • It is an economy friendly book and has the current information.
  • Get this book and clear all doubt about the nutrition life cycle of an individual, from growth to maturity. It is a 624 page written in a simple English language that is easily understood.
Saturday, July 27, 2013

978-0132991292 The economic way of thinking the 13th edition - July 2013

978-0132991292 The economic way of thinking the 13th edition
by Paul L. Heyne, Peter J. Boettke, David L. Prychitko
456 Pages - Prentice Hall - Published on July 13, 2013
Now available on Paperback Edition

Think Like an Economist

The Economic Way of Thinking book helps you to think like an economist. It explains the basic principles of macro economics and micro economic and goes beyond to tell readers how to apply these principles in reasoning. The book has general courses in economics and provides usable and practical contents which is both current and relevant for aspiring economists since this latest edition is updated with very current materials. It is a 456 pages text book co authored by Paul Heyne, Peter Boettke and David Prychitko.


It is a very good source of modern economics that equips aspiring economist to apply the principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics in their daily life. It can act as a good resource book for economics students as well as economic professionals. It emphasizes for people to think like economists in there daily life. It is a must have for everyone who dreams economics.

Relevant Fields

Business & Finance, Economics, Business & Investing, and Popular Economics

978-1585283798 The Teddy Bear Book 10th Edition (Pediatric Injectable Drugs)

978-1585283798 The Teddy Bear Book 10th Edition (Pediatric Injectable Drugs)
by  Stephanie J. Phelps, A. Jill Thompson, Tracy M. Hagemann, Kelley R. Lee
820 pages - Published by American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)
on July 15, 2013
Now available on Paperback Edition

The Teddy Bear Book; Pediatric injectable drugs, 10th Edition

This is a must have book for those who work with children. This 10th edition has continued to provide useful information about kids injectable drugs. 

The book contains more than 300 drugs that are common for treatment of children and infants. It gives the drug administration and dosing for most of the children and adults illnesses. Publication of this book enjoys more than 75 years of experience in the children pharmacy needs. 

This 820-page book are co-authored by Pharm. D. Stephanie Phelps, Pharm. D. Jill Thompson, Pharm. D Tracy Hagemann and Pharm D Kelley Lee. 

The drug monograph covers areas such as brand names, potential medication error, dosage, additives, warming among many others.


The Teddy Bear Book is recommended for pediatrics since it has a reference of all the children drugs, its administration and administering. It also contains remedies for issues affecting children, infants and teens so it is very useful for pediatric practitioners. The book is related to the following fields; Medical Books, Pharmacology, and Pharmacy.

978-0815341482 Human Evolutionary Genetics 2nd Edition Published June, 2013

978-0815341482 Human Evolutionary Genetics 2nd Edition
by Mark Jobling, Edward Hollox, Matthew Hurles, Toomas Kivisild, Chris Tyler-Smith
650 pages - Garland Science; June 25, 2013
Now available on Paperback

Human Evolutionary Genetics

It is a book about the origins of people and diseases co authored by Mark Jobling, Mathew Hurles and Chris Smith. This 650-page book combines molecular genetics with genomics in the study of people, their movements and the diseases affecting them and how they originated. The book begins with an overview of the molecular genomics which is useful for those that are not specialist. For people with a genetic background, it shows how post genomic era data can be studied to determine the origin of human and their colonization of mother earth. The book also good and attractive illustrations accompanied with global maps and generic trees for easy understanding. The authors have taken the trouble to show how genetic data and origin of humans can be applied to the earth population analyses, forensics, medicine and genealogies.


This book is highly recommended for people interested in human genetics and its evolution or anthropology in genetics. Ideally for graduates and post-graduates students who take this course of genetics. It can also be used as a resource book for those involved in research on Genetics, Molecular Biology, Life Sciences, and Mammal Studies.

978-0132992817 The Economics of Women, Men and Work 7th Edition by Francine Blau, Marianne A. Ferber, and Anne E. Winkler

978-0132992817 The Economics of Women, Men and Work 7th Edition
Francine Blau, Marianne A. Ferber, and Anne E. Winkler
480 pages - Prentice Hall - July 12, 2013
Now Available on Paperback

The Economics Of Women, Men And Work

Talks about the most current and absolute sources available for research, data and analysis on women, gender and economics. 


Francine D. Blau, Anne E. Winkler, Marianne A. Ferber in its 7th edition talk about their analysis on gender issues in the work place and in the family. 

The chapters include 

Women and men: their changing roles in an ever changing economy, their family as an economic unit, allotment of time between work and household environment, dynamic work roles, and gender differences in many countries. The authors entirely analyze recent developments in the labor market and their consequences for men and women. In short, they present a summary and combination of research data on gender issues at various places and departments.


The book will be a good use to practicing economists and social scientists, and also for people who are interested in knowing the importance of their place within their households as well as in the outside labor market. 

978-0199857128 Marine Biology 4th Edition - Function, Biodiversity, Ecology by Jeffrey S. Levinton

The book is written by one of the best and highly respected researchers in marine biology, Jeffrey S. Levinton. This text contains the most contemporary and attainable treatment of all visible features of this interdisciplinary field. Marine Biology describes in a very easy and understandable manner the biological standards that administer marine biological systems. 

978-0199857128 Marine Biology, Function Biodiversity Ecology 4th Edition
Oxford University Press, USA; 4 edition (July 15, 2013)
Now available on Paperback - See price and shipping cost here.

ISBN: 978-0199857128
The book explores concepts of marine environment by focusing on three main themes: 

1) Function: 

The technique organisms use to solve problems, and the factors (physical and chemical) affecting their solutions. 

2) Biodiversity: 

An overview of the miscellaneous life forms found in the ocean. 

3) Ecology: 

The interplay of organisms with their environment. 

Marine Biology is designed for student of undergraduate level with a great variety of material, consisting for further reading a glossary of important terms, text boxes highlighting important concepts and equations, analysis questions at the end of each chapter and a good number of illustrative examples. The students of marine biology will find the book fascinating and captivating.

Friday, July 26, 2013

978-0205856169 Understanding Movies 13th Edition by Louis Giannetti

Analyzing a movie is not an easy job, because movies can generate many ideas and emotions at the same time. "Understanding movies" helps readers understand how the many languages of a film work together to create a distinct meaning. Louis Giannetti has organised this book around the key elements of film making which include: story, editing, cinematography, screenplay, drama, sound, camera work, ideology, casting and movement. 

978-0205856169 Understanding Movies 13th Edition by Louis Giannetti
Book Published on July 6, 2013 - Buy New or Buy Used

The author incorporates every element of the book through a complete case study. Each chapter sets apart the basic techniques film directors use to convey the meaning of their films. The ideas in the book are illuminated with a number of high quality photos, more than seventy of which are in full color, taken from movies such as "Almost famous, The matrix, jackass the movie, Lord of the rings, Chicago, Traffic and Mystic river". It contains a thorough description of some remarkable movies made so far. This book is for everyone who has a passion to watch movies and who wishes to understand the artistry and meaning of them.
Thursday, July 25, 2013

978-1285161761 Discovering Computers 2014 by Vermaat

Discovering Computers 2014 First Edition (Shelly Cashman Series) by Vermaat
Available in Paperback and Kindle Edition
Discovering Computers 2014 has been completely revised and it guides students through the latest changes and developments in an easy to read format. It provides students all vital information regarding the changes in the digital technology. If you are a computer nut who loves reading books about technology and mobile computing then this book is the perfect fit for you as this book is richly detailed with real life applications which is easily understandable and it simplifies the learning process. The book is very engaging and interactive in nature and will not beat around the bush.

The concepts explained are pretty relevant to the current scenario and provides the essential information for both teaching faculties and the students. The text offers an engaging solution to successfully teach students basic concepts with new exercises and tools. This clear friendly guide not only gets you up to the detailed concepts but also the chances you will see in the future in the field of digital world. The new edition of this popular book is easy to follow, never intimidating and always helpful.

978-0133140668 Criminology 2nd Edition by Schmalleger (Access Card Package)

978-0133140668 Criminology 2nd Edition Package

Buy Criminology 2nd Edition Access Card Package and get
  1. 978-0132966757 Criminology Book
  2. 978-0132973922 NEW MyCJLab with Pearson eText - Access Card - for Criminology
978-0133140668 Criminology 2nd Edition Package
The second edition of Criminology (justice series) 978-0133140668 written by Frank J.Schmalleger provides a carefully written analysis of the past and present state of criminology and is student friendly. This book provides a detailed introduction about criminology to students who are experienced or relatively new to the concept. This book explains on how criminology engages with public policy and all of which are explained in a detailed manner and students can learn a lot of new things regarding criminology. The field of criminology has changed quite a bit in the past few years and this book is updated according to the needs of the student and also the faculty members. The book also addresses innovative criminal perspectives in a traditional theoretical framework. This book provides well informed concepts regarding all crime problems in accordance with the academic perspective for both the under graduate and post graduate students. It covers a broad area regarding the topic and it moves beyond the sociological approaches to criminology. The second edition was updated and the layout is quite simple to read and understand.

978-1449697501 Nurse As Educator 4th Edition (New July 2013) by Bastable

978-1449697501 Nurse As Educator 4th Edition
Now Available in Paperback
978-1449697501 Nurse As Educator 4th Edition (July 2013) by Bastable

After the successful third edition of the book, Nurse as an educator 4th edition, written by Susan B. Bastable teaches nurse practitioners the various professional ethics and enhances the quality of nursing education.

This book is a mixture of empirical science and situation based strategies which was written to promote and maintain civility in nursing education. The book was written considering the ongoing development in the nursing education curriculum. It identifies the most effective practices for teaching nursing and it is proven while looking at the success rate and reviews of the previous editions. The book identifies the problems within the nursing academic field and finds the solution for those problems and provides the findings in a simple and practical manner which was easy to understand even for a beginner. This book reveals some essential topics on some important issues that often went unnoticed or ignored. Nursing educators and aspiring nurse educators will find this book very useful since it describes all the information in a clear and a comprehensive manner and the framework can be evident in the chapter of the book. The third edition has been completed revised and updated according to the needs of the current curriculum.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 744 pages
  • Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; Newest edition 4 (July 19, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 144969750X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1449697501
  • Includes: Online Access Code