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Monday, July 29, 2013

978-0323087902 Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider 4th Edition - Paperback and Kindle

978-0323087902 Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider 4th Edition
by  Marilyn Winterton Edmunds and Maren Stewart Mayhew
880-page book from Mosby edition 4 published on July 15, 2013
Now available on Paperback and Kindle Edition

Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider 4th Edition
Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider 4th Edition
This book is related to Nursing, Reference, Pharmacology, and Pharmacy

This volume focuses on what you need to know to effectively prescribe and administer drugs. An stress on patient coaching helps you gain patient adherence to prescribed drug regimens, and guidelines for health promotion help in maintaining and improving your patients' health. The book teaches priorities of safety and evidence based practice, adding coverage of new drugs, new drug classes and therapeutic drug uses. It teaches principles of pharmacotherapeutics using today the majority usually used drugs.

It is written by highly qualified and foremost nurse practitioner establishment, and is for nurse practitioners and physicians assistants. It gives a mastery of the principles of pharmacology, count on it for better value.

Get this book and learn the effective ways of prescribing and administering of drugs, coverage of new drugs and new drug classes.

It is the best book for information for nursing careers, so ensure you get this book for quality dissemination of your service. This 880 page book is now on fourth edition and is therefore the most recent revised and has accommodated the current information.