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Saturday, July 27, 2013

978-0199857128 Marine Biology 4th Edition - Function, Biodiversity, Ecology by Jeffrey S. Levinton

The book is written by one of the best and highly respected researchers in marine biology, Jeffrey S. Levinton. This text contains the most contemporary and attainable treatment of all visible features of this interdisciplinary field. Marine Biology describes in a very easy and understandable manner the biological standards that administer marine biological systems. 

978-0199857128 Marine Biology, Function Biodiversity Ecology 4th Edition
Oxford University Press, USA; 4 edition (July 15, 2013)
Now available on Paperback - See price and shipping cost here.

ISBN: 978-0199857128
The book explores concepts of marine environment by focusing on three main themes: 

1) Function: 

The technique organisms use to solve problems, and the factors (physical and chemical) affecting their solutions. 

2) Biodiversity: 

An overview of the miscellaneous life forms found in the ocean. 

3) Ecology: 

The interplay of organisms with their environment. 

Marine Biology is designed for student of undergraduate level with a great variety of material, consisting for further reading a glossary of important terms, text boxes highlighting important concepts and equations, analysis questions at the end of each chapter and a good number of illustrative examples. The students of marine biology will find the book fascinating and captivating.