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Saturday, July 27, 2013

978-0815341482 Human Evolutionary Genetics 2nd Edition Published June, 2013

978-0815341482 Human Evolutionary Genetics 2nd Edition
by Mark Jobling, Edward Hollox, Matthew Hurles, Toomas Kivisild, Chris Tyler-Smith
650 pages - Garland Science; June 25, 2013
Now available on Paperback

Human Evolutionary Genetics

It is a book about the origins of people and diseases co authored by Mark Jobling, Mathew Hurles and Chris Smith. This 650-page book combines molecular genetics with genomics in the study of people, their movements and the diseases affecting them and how they originated. The book begins with an overview of the molecular genomics which is useful for those that are not specialist. For people with a genetic background, it shows how post genomic era data can be studied to determine the origin of human and their colonization of mother earth. The book also good and attractive illustrations accompanied with global maps and generic trees for easy understanding. The authors have taken the trouble to show how genetic data and origin of humans can be applied to the earth population analyses, forensics, medicine and genealogies.


This book is highly recommended for people interested in human genetics and its evolution or anthropology in genetics. Ideally for graduates and post-graduates students who take this course of genetics. It can also be used as a resource book for those involved in research on Genetics, Molecular Biology, Life Sciences, and Mammal Studies.