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Saturday, July 27, 2013

978-0132992817 The Economics of Women, Men and Work 7th Edition by Francine Blau, Marianne A. Ferber, and Anne E. Winkler

978-0132992817 The Economics of Women, Men and Work 7th Edition
Francine Blau, Marianne A. Ferber, and Anne E. Winkler
480 pages - Prentice Hall - July 12, 2013
Now Available on Paperback

The Economics Of Women, Men And Work

Talks about the most current and absolute sources available for research, data and analysis on women, gender and economics. 


Francine D. Blau, Anne E. Winkler, Marianne A. Ferber in its 7th edition talk about their analysis on gender issues in the work place and in the family. 

The chapters include 

Women and men: their changing roles in an ever changing economy, their family as an economic unit, allotment of time between work and household environment, dynamic work roles, and gender differences in many countries. The authors entirely analyze recent developments in the labor market and their consequences for men and women. In short, they present a summary and combination of research data on gender issues at various places and departments.


The book will be a good use to practicing economists and social scientists, and also for people who are interested in knowing the importance of their place within their households as well as in the outside labor market.