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Thursday, August 1, 2013

978-0071743914 Applied Hydrology 2nd Edition by Ven Chow, David Maidment, Larry Mays

978-0071743914 Applied Hydrology 2nd Edition
by Ven Chow, David Maidment, Larry Mays
624 pages - McGraw-Hill Professional - August 5, 2013
Applied Hydrology, 2nd Edition

Applied Hydrology, 2nd Edition

It is the revision of the first edition book which has gained high attention and appreciation from students and experts who deal with hydrology. Undergraduates may find this too advanced thought they still can find each chapter advantageous.

It has been two decades since the first edition was released. Applied Hydrology, Second Edition maintains the success of the first addition. Definitely, there are additional new subjects upon solving problems in hydrology in advanced matters as well as some technology's methodology. Three major parts that the book's revision covers include Hydrologic Design, Processes, Analysis.

The authors, Vin Te Chow, David R. Maidment, Larry W. Mays maintain the basic technologies with some inevitable updates on hydrology's problem-solving like GIS, NEXRAD and so forth. Other new updates which were not available on the first edition include wide-ranging approach some analysis like water supply and floodplain.

This is a must-have book reference for those who deal with applied hydrology as this book describes each advanced hydrologic process with handy flow charts. Equations are described in each step and each chapter is divided convenient as college students can find references much easier.